(Satis)factory Rewards:After passing through the entrance and entering the very first room of Stage 4's munitions factory, head to the room's top-right corner, where you'll find the area's only visible ceiling. Use the leftmost edge of this ceiling to swing over a gap, a conveyor belt beneath, and arrive on a nearby floating platform. Make two more platform jumps to come to the room's top-left corner, whose low wall you can hop over to find four hidden candelabra-held treasures. (Contributed by Amar Youkai.)

Duke of Hazards:There are instances in Bloodlines where you can use the surrounding environment to deal damage to its inhabitants. Here are three such instances (all contributed by Danny):

Original musicEnter the options menu. Set 05 as the BGM (background music) and 073 as the SE (sound effects) selections. Press Start to begin game play. The original Castlevania music will begin playing when the standard weapon is powered to level 4. This effect will last until you are hit.Expert difficulty levelPress Upx2, Downx2, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A at the title screen. A sound will confirm correct code entry.
Expert difficulty may now be enabled on the options menu.Nine livesEnable the 'Original music' and 'Expert difficulty level' codes in that order. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Change difficulty level and options during gameReset the game at any time during game play. Enter the options menu at the title screen to alter any desired of the options. When finished, start a new game and choose either character.
You will start from the section last played before resetting the game. The best use for this trick is to play under the easy difficulty setting until you get to Dracula. Then use this trick and change to the expert difficulty setting.
This will allow you to see the best endings without too much difficulty.Restore weapon power-upWhen your weapon is powered up to its highest level, you may accidentally pick up a sub-weapon that will replace your special sub-weapon. If this happens, simply find and pick up a sub-weapon of the same type as the one that you possess. You will get the special sub-weapon back.Continue game playPress Reset to restart the game after running out of continues, then start a new game. It will resume from the point where the game was reset with two continues and the same amount of lives. Note: The score and weapons will also be reset.Super passwordsThe following are the best passwords that can be obtained in the game.